ExFAT (Extended File Allocated Table): It is quite similar to FAT32 and is less commonly used. FAT32 offers maximum 4GB file size and 2 TB volume size. It can be written and read to by Linux, OS X and Windows. It also helps to reduce each cluster size due to which it will have great storage capacity and effectively support the large disks up to 2 TB.
FAT32 has come up with the increased number of bits which is used to address clusters. The older version of FAT was quite simple and robust.
FAT 32 (File Allocated Table): It was designed in year 1977 for floppy disks and three major file systems variants are: FAT12, FAT16 and FAT 32. It has maximum 16 TB file size and 256 TB volume size. Windows can write and read to NTFS formatted hard drives while OS X and Linux can read only but can't write unless it is supported by third party devices like NTFS-3G. The latest version includes many features like disk usage quotas, link tracking distribution, reparse points, file-level encryption and sparse file support. Microsoft has launched five versions of NTFS: v1.0 released with Windows NT 3.1, v1.2 with Windows 3.51, v3.0 with Windows 2000, v3.1 and v5.0 with Windows XP. It is also known as Window's default file system.
NTFS (New Technology File System): NTFS is developed by Microsoft, started with Windows NT 3.0. The most popular file systems are as discussed below: Various operating systems like Mac, Windows, Linux and OS X have different file systems to organize and store digital information. When you are done with the formatting process, click on the hard drive in the finder and initiate the dragging process or you can also set up as a backup storage device with Time Machine. Within a short time span, your storage device will get formatted. Describe or provide a specific name to your drive and click on erase button. After that, you will see format menu where you can select the file system that are compatible with your operating system. To format external hard drive, opt your storage device in the left hand sidebar and click on the erase tab. After that, operate double click on the disk utility. Now open the finder and check out the applications/utilities. The drive when get connected to the system, you can see the storage device icon on the screen. Before starting storage device formatting process, you need to backup all informational data in a separate folder for the future use. Stepwise Procedure to Format Storage Device on Mac: Open the hard drive in Windows Explorer and start dragging documents and files into it. To initiate the formatting process, click on the start button and within a few seconds, you will get notification when the process get completed. Mention your hard drive with a name under Volume Label and check out the Quick Format box.
After that, you can opt any file system that you want to use for the operating systems. When you will do right click on the hard drive icon, you will get option to choose 'Format'?.
After plug in hard drive into the system, you will get option to open Windows Explorer and by clicking on the computer section in the side bar, you will see your hard drive get attached to your system. To format an external hard drive, plug in the device into system or a wall outlet. Before formatting an external hard drive on Windows, back up all the informational data like files, music and official data into safe place. Stepwise Procedure to Format Storage Device on Windows: